COVID 19 Exposure Control, Mitigation,
and Recovery Plan
for St John’s Preschool, Kirkland, WA
The following policies and procedures for St John’s Preschool are for the 2021-2022 school year in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. The procedures have been developed taking into consideration the directives of the local, state, federal and CDC health authorities along with the local and state public school systems.
General Guidance
A Consent/Waiver will be signed by each family prior to attending preschool and kept on file at the preschool. PDF located here
I acknowledge that I have read the policies and procedures plan and fully understand St John’s Preschool policies, guidelines, and best practices as they relate to COVID 19.
I acknowledge that my family and I are not currently sick, nor have we had any of the following symptoms in the last 72 hours, prior to scheduled school day:
Fever of 100.4°F or higher, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat or chills
Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, muscle or body aches, congestion, runny nose not related to seasonal allergies, unusual fatigue
New loss of taste or smell
I acknowledge that my child has not received any fever reducing medications before coming to preschool.
Going forward, I will notify St John’s Preschool if anyone in my family or anyone that we knowingly come in contact with, experiences any of the above symptoms. I agree to keep my child home if anyone in my family has had any of the above symptoms in the last 72 hours, prior to scheduled school day.
I also acknowledge that my family and I have not been in contact with anyone with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID 19 in the last 14 days, nor have we been directed by medical personnel to quarantine or avoid public contact in the last 14 days, prior to scheduled school day.​
Staff will be trained and informed about COVID 19 symptoms. See Training Addendum.
Staff will be trained on and implement cleaning procedures of facility and all frequently touched surfaces daily. See Training Addendum.
Staff will be trained on good hygiene behaviors, hand washing procedures and practice those with students. See Training Addendum.
PPE-Disposable masks/Reusable Face Shield and gloves will be provided for all staff. Staff may also provide their own cloth masks.
Activities that would usually be a large gathering have been cancelled. (example: Winter Music Program, Dad’s Nights, etc.) All activities/field trips will be assessed individually.
Physical distancing will be practiced in all areas. Congestion will be reduced in hallways.
Attendance of students and staff will be monitored and recorded daily and kept on file at the preschool.
Tuition payment will be accepted via delivery in child’s red school bag, mail, or over the phone, to reduce the amount of people entering the preschool building.
Anyone who, either at home or at school, shows COVID 19 symptoms will not be permitted to attend the preschool.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Students and parents will remain in vehicles until school doors are unlocked. (5 minutes prior to scheduled class start time)
One parent/adult will walk with the student to the exterior classroom door.
Students will be asked to wash hands and have temperature taken prior to coming to preschool.
Signage will be posted regarding physical distancing, while waiting for doors to open.
Students will enter each classroom from the classroom specific exterior door, parents will not enter with children.
Students will have their temperature taken upon arrival with a contactless thermometer and will not be permitted to enter if a temperature of 100.4°F or higher is registered.
Students will sanitize hands upon arrival with hand sanitizer.
All belongings, preschool bag, coat etc., will be kept in their individual cubby.
Students will be picked up at the end of class at the exterior door to each classroom.
Classroom Procedures
Same classes will be kept together with the same teachers. Classes will have limited contact with other classes.
Outdoor playground will accommodate only one class at a time.
Physical distancing will be practiced in all areas.
Chapel will be held in each classroom. Singing will not be permitted.
Students will be seated in chairs, that are spaced apart, during circle times to encourage distancing and not touching each other.
Items from home will not be brought into classrooms.
Limited number of toys will be available and will be cleaned and sanitized each day.
Classrooms will be cleaned each day and carpets will be vacuumed.
Baking and food related projects will not be permitted.
Shared teaching materials will be cleaned often and after use.
Classrooms are specific to one class of students and will not be shared by any other classes.
Shared hand washing tubs for students will not be used in the classrooms, students will use the restroom sinks for all hand washing.
Stuffed animals, pillows, blankets and similar will be removed from classrooms.
Food Related Procedures
Snacks will be prepared by staff wearing a mask and gloves.
Snacks will be served on disposable plates/napkins and water will be served in disposable cups.
Students eating in the same area will be spaced out to reduce risk.
Parent/Guardian Expectations
Full transparency regarding health of children and immediate family will be required. See Consent/Waiver for expectations:
Parents must provide a reliable phone number where they can be reached, or receive a message, at all times, in the event the preschool needs to contact them urgently.
Procedure- If Someone Develops Signs of COVID 19 On-Site
Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID 19 while off-site, will not be permitted to attend the preschool. Communication between all parties, including health officials will be imperative to determine when it is safe for the individual to return to the preschool.
Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID 19 while on-site, at the preschool, will immediately be separated from others and will be kept comfortable until the sick person can go home.
The area where the sick person was will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized immediately.
Communication between all parties, including health officials will be imperative to determine when it is safe for the individual to return to the preschool.
Anyone who tests positive for COVID 19 and anyone they were in contact with would need to be quarantined for 14 days. Cases will be reported to King County Public Health.
Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan
for COVID 19 at St John’s Preschool, Kirkland, WA – Training Addendum
COVID 19 Symptoms
Teachers and staff will be watching for symptoms known to be associated with COVID 19, in students and their own family situations. Any person displaying any of these symptoms within the last 72 hours will not be permitted to be at the preschool. Touchless thermometers will be used to take temperatures.
Symptoms within the last 72 hours:
A fever of 100.4°F or higher, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat or chills
Recent Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, muscle or body aches, congestion, runny nose not related to seasonal allergies, unusual fatigue or new loss of taste or smell
Hygiene Practices
Wash hands often and with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Children and adults should wash or sanitize hands when they arrive at preschool, before meals or snacks, after outside time, after going to the bathroom, after nose blowing or sneezing, if hands look visibly dirty and before leaving to go home.
Teachers will remind and help young children to wash hands correctly and not touch their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand gel with at least 60% alcohol will be used. The gel should be rubbed all over hands and between fingers for at least 20 seconds.
Coughs and sneezes should be covered with a tissue when possible and then the tissue should be thrown in the trash. When a tissue is not available, coughs and sneezes should be covered with the persons arm/elbow. Hands should be sanitized or washed after sneezing and coughing.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Practices
Cleaning and disinfecting supplies will be kept in each classroom: Lysol disinfectant spray, Clorox wipes, Mr. Clean cleaning solution.
Frequently touched surfaces throughout facility will be cleaned daily (examples: hand rails, door knobs, handles, light switches)
Bathrooms, floors, and general facility cleaning will be done each evening by an approved cleaning company.
Carpets in classrooms that have been used will be vacuumed each day.
Toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized will not be used. Clean and sanitize toys that were used, at the end of the class and leave to air dry until next class period.
Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes are not considered high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfecting procedures.
Tables and chairs in the classrooms will be cleaned after each class.