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​"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood."
Fred Rogers

Class Offerings
Academic Year 2023-24

One Time Fees
age 3 on or before August 31st
T/Th 9am - 11:30am or W/F 9am - 11:30am
13 - 14 students with 2 - 3 adults
Supplies - $50 Field Trips - $30
age 4 on or before December 31st
M/T/Th 9:15am - 11:45am
13 - 14 students with 2 - 3 adults
Supplies - $55 Field Trips - $30
age 4 on or before August 31st
M/W/F 9am - 12pm
13 - 14 students with 2 - 3 adults
Supplies - $55 Field Trips - $45
4's Extended
age 4 on or before August 31st
M or W 12pm - 1pm
14-16 students with 2 adults
Note: Parents provide lunch
4's Science
age 4 on or before August 31st
T or Th 9am - 11am
12 students with 2 adults
Supplies - $55 Field Trips - $20
Pre 3
age 3 on or before December 31st
T/Th or W/F 9am - 11:30am
11 - 12 students with 2 - 3 adults
Supplies - $50 Field Trips - $25
age 5 on or before December 31st
M/T/W/Th 9:15 am - 1pm F 9:15 am - 12pm
13 - 14 students with 2 - 3 adults
Supplies - $65 Field Trips - $40


Child needs to be 3 on or before December 31st.  Class meets T/Th or W/F from 9:00-11:30.  The number of students is 11-12 with 2 or 3 adults.  Tuition $300/mo.  A one-time non-refundable supply ($50) and field trip ($25) fee along with Sept tuition is due June 1st. 


This class is a very social class as for many this is their first preschool experience.  They will have an opportunity for circle time, art, as well as free play with the emphasis being on socializing with others and getting along.  They will have outside play as well as a snack time.  This class is a fun first experience to school for your child.



Child needs to be 3 on or before August 31st.  Class meets T/Th from 9:00-11:30 or W/F from 9:15-11:45.  The number of students is 13-14 with 2 or 3 adults.  Tuition $300/mo.  A one-time non-refundable supply ($50) and field trip ($30) fee along with Sept tuition is due June 1st.


The threes classes move your child right along in their social development in learning how to get along with peers.  Most of these classes begin their day with a balance of free play and art centers.  The children can move freely between the two as they get their fingers dirty and play or listen to a story with their buddy.  Everyone helps with clean-up as circle time follows.  Snack and recess complete the day. 


We work around theme units and take field trips that are appropriate to our themes.  Field trips could include the pumpkin patch, farm and the library for story time.



Child needs to be 4 on or before December 31st.  Class meets M/T/Th from 9:15-11:45. The number of students is 13-14 with 2 or 3 adults.  Tuition $350/mo.  A one-time non-refundable supply ($55) and field trip ($30) fee along with Sept tuition is due June 1st. 


Please see above for 3's class description) This class gives an extra day for our older 3’s.  Many of our Pre-3 students move on into this class.



Child needs to be 4 on or before August 31st.  Class meets M/W/F from 9:00-12:00.  The number of students is 13-14 with 2 or 3 adults.  Tuition $375/mo.   A one-time non-refundable supply ($55) and field trip ($45) fee along with Sept tuition is due June 1st.


They begin the day with a balance between free play and the art centers.  The 4’s classes work around theme units too and also incorporate a letter of the week.  Some of the themes that are covered are endangered animals, musical instruments, health and nutrition as well as learning all about me, friends and family. 


The 4’s are also off on various field trips that include the pumpkin patch, a play, the Issaquah zoo and the fire station.  The 4 year olds day also involves clean-up time, circle, snack and outside play.  Show-n-tell is very important too and helps them develop their expressive language.

4's Science​


Child needs to be 4 on or before August 31st.  Class meets Tuesday or Thursday 9:00-11:00.  The number of students is 12 with two adults.  Tuition $100/mo.  A one-time non-refundable supply ($55) and field trip ($20) fee along with Sept tuition is due June 1st (see above for class description).

4’s Extended


Child needs to be 4 on or before August 31st.  Class meets Monday or Wednesday from 12:00-1:00.  The number of students is 14-16 with 2 adults.  Cost is $50/mo.  This session extends the 4’s Monday or Wednesday and includes lunch (that you provide).



Child needs to be 5 on or before December 31st.  Class meets M/T/W/Th from 9:15-1:00 & Friday 9:15-Noon.  The number of students is 13-14 with 2 or 3 adults.  Tuition $700/mo.  A one time non-refundable supply ($65) and field trip ($40) fee along with Sept tuition is due June 1st. 


The Pre-K class follows the curriculum of our 4’s program and will also include an introduction to science curriculum and lunch that you provide.  (Lunch on M/T/Th- No lunch or Science on Wednesdays). Because they have an average of 36 more class days a year then the 4’s they can explore a theme more thoroughly or explore a completely different theme than the 4’s.  Depending on the make up of the class and the fact that the children are 5 by December 31st – exciting things can happen in this class.  (see 4’s description above for a more detailed view of the class)





We are pleased to offer you this selection of classes for the 2024-2025 school year.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer them.
Please call or email for more information and to schedule your tour!
Alesia Portugal, Director St John’s Preschool
(425) 822-5079
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